Monday, May 31, 2010

May 2010...Ian meets Kaison and the Nasvhille Sounds Game

Earlier this month we traveled to Ohio to meet Ian's new cousin, Kaison Victor.  He was precious and it was so surreal seeing how much Ian has grown in less than a year.  Ian had little patience and did not want to pose for pictures.  He was more interested in tearing Matt and Annette's house apart!

Today we went to the Nashville Sounds game and had a great time.  Ian really likes baseball games which makes his daddy very happy!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ian's First Baseball Game

We took Ian to his first baseball game on Saturday.  It was SO hot when we got there and we were sitting in the direct sun, so it was kind of ridiculous.  Ian sweats like crazy and he was soaked within 10 minutes.  I also didn't have a hat for him, so I "had" to buy him a little Vandy baseball hat at the gift shop.  I was afraid his head would burn. He left the hat on for about 8 minutes maximum.  By the second inning we were in complete shade and a lot more comfortable.  Vandy was down most of the game but came back to within 2 in the last 2 innings, which made for an entertaining finish.  Ian lasted a whole 9 inning baseball game, which was pretty awesome.  He had a great time!  Of course his mother forgot the camera, but we did get two shots on our phones.